viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

LOVE ACTUALLY is all around


What's the meaning of love actually? Because the film contains little love stories. I supose that this is the reason. Love actually means the real love.

What's the complete film name? Love actually is all around

What year was the film made? 2003

Who's the director? what famous films has he directed? The director is Richard Curtis. He also directed "Four weddings and a funeral" and "Nothing hill". He directed TV success programs as well. For example "Blackadder" and "Mr. Bean".

Who are the main actors and actresses? copy names and photos.

Emma Thompson as Karen

Hugh John Mungo Grant as David

Martine McCutcheon as Natalie

Colin Firth as Jamie

Lúcia Moniz as Aurélia

I think that this are the most cool actors. I'm gonna just name the others.

Liam Neeson as Daniel
Thomas Sangster as Sam
Keira Knightley as Juliet
Chiwetel Ejiofor as Peter
Andrew Lincoln as Mark
Laura Linney as Sarah
Rodrigo Santoro as Karl
Bill Nighy as Billy Mack
Gregor Fisher as Joe
Kris Marshall as Colin
Abdul Salis as Tony
Heike Makatsch as Mia
Martin Freeman as John
Joanna Page as Judy
Olivia Olson as Joanna
Billy Bob Thornton as President of the United States
Rowan Atkinson as Rufus
Claudia Schiffer as Carol
Ivana Milicevic as Stacey
January Jones as Jeannie
Elisha Cuthbert as Carol-Anne
Shannon Elizabeth as Harriet
Denise Richards as Carla
Lulu Popplewel as Daisy

What type of film is it? a tragedy? a comedy? why? I think that is a romantic comedy because it mix love stories with some laught moments. There are stories that have a good final and some others that have a bad final.


What's the first story in the film?
The film starts with the Billy Mack story. He is recording his new song in a studio. He only has to change one word and he's having lots of problems. His manager is behind the glass "melting himself"
Can you name the cast of characters and storylines? Describe each story and illustrate with a picture.

Billy Mack is a old rock an' roll star. He's tall and slim and a little bolt. He likes fashion clothes. Talking about his character, he's the perfect man to go to parties.
Billy has just record a copied Christmas song. This song has been selectionated to the
Year's Christmas song.
Joe is the fat old Billy's manager. He is short and fat with short hair. He is a good man and he has been psychologically attacked by the rock star.
As I said, the story begins with Billy singing. His song has been selectionated to a big prize. Billy promised that if he win the prize, he'll sing the song naked! In the end, Billy's song is selectionated and he goes to Elton John Party. Then, he understood that he loves Joe, not into directly meaning.
Mark and Juliet have just got married. It's a deal ceremony, everything is going ok and Mark is recording the wedding in his camera and he has also prepared a big surprise. Mark is Peter's best friend. After the wedding, Juliet wants Mark's wedding video and she goes to Mark's house. There, Mark start to tell lies about his video: I lost it, I don't know where it is... But Juliet find the record and she play it in the video recorder. Meanwhile they are watching the wedding she is very happy cause it's recorded perfectly but after a few minutes, she understand what's happening. There are only Juliet images. Mark is feeling embarrassed and he decides to go and let Juliet in his house.
A few days later, Mark goes to Juliet house. Peter is upstairs watching TV and Juliet open the door. Mark takes a radio cassette and some banners. He turn on the cassette and Christmas songs started to sound. Then, by the banners, he tells to Juliet that he love her but he understands that she is married with Peter, his best friend. Then Juliet kiss him and she come in.

Jamie is a writer. He has been working for the Juliet wedding. Now the wedding has arrived and he and his girlfriend have to go, but his girlfriend is sick and she can't go. While he is in the wedding she goes to bed with Jamie's brother. When Jamie returns back, he discover her engaging in sexual relation with his brother.
Heartbroken, Jamie goes to France to focus on his writings. There, he meets Aurelia, his Portuguese housekeeper. At first, the communication between them is difficult because Aurelia only speaks her native language. During his stay, they fall in love each other, but Aurelia returns to Portugal and Jamie to London.
In London, Jamie practice Portuguese in special classes. In the Christmas day, While he is in his nephew's house, he understand that he's in love with Aurelia. He decides to fly to Portugal to marry Aurelia. In the end, they get married and the story finishes well.

Harry is the director of a designer agency. He is Mia's boss. His agency is in a crisis period. Mia don't want to be dismissed, so she start to "play" with Harry. Happily, he allows it.
One day, Karen and Harry goes to a shopping center to buy Christmas presents. Karen is buying something for the kids. Meanwhile, Harry visits a jewellery shop to buy a necklace for Mia. When they came back home, Karen discovers the present in pocket of Harry's jacket. She feels very excited cause she thinks that is for her, but the Chirstmas day arrives and Harry gives her a simple CD. Then, Karen understands what is happening really. At the same time Mia is putting on her new expensive necklace.
At the end, their marriage is going wrong and they decided to change it.


David has just been elected British Prime Minister. David arrives to the 10 Downing Street and he meets all his personal. Natalie is one of the household staff. The firsts days, they start to flirt. But then, they fall in love. Until here all is correct but then something happens. The President of the United States (Billy) pays a visit. David, Natalie and Billy stay all the time together, but David goes out a few seconds and when he open the door he sees Billy and Natalie kissing. Then, David and Billy have to do a televised press conference. When is DAvid's turn, he says that they won't be nexto United States if they continue with his attitude. Then, David dismiss Natali cause he knows that Natalie is affecting directly his job.
The Christmas day has arribed and while David is checking the Christmas cards, he sees a Natalie's letter. David decides to go to Natalie's house to make up with Natalie. Natalie also wants to make up with him and they go to the local school charity performance. David doesn't want to be the "star" of the event, so they decide to hide themselves behind the scenary. When the song "All I want for Christmas" finishes, everybody see Natalie and David kissing.

Daniel , Karen's friend, is introduced in the film during a funeral for his wife, Joanna. Her death, caused by an unspecified long-term illness, has left Daniel and his stepson Sam to fend for themselves. Daniel must deal with his sudden responsibility, as well as the perceived end of his love life. ("That was a done deal long ago", he says to Sam, "unless, of course, Claudia Schiffer calls, in which case I want you out of the house straight away, you wee motherless mongrel.") Sam, too, is especially forlorn about something, eventually revealing that he is in love with an American girl from his school, also named Joanna, who he assumes does not know he exists. After seeing Billy Mack's new video in a store window, he comes up with a plan, based on the premise that "Girls love musicians. Even the really weird ones get girlfriends." With Daniel's encouragement, Sam teaches himself to play the drums, eventually acting as top for Joanna's performance of "All I Want for Christmas Is You" at the city-wide school play. Unfortunately, Sam's drumming fails to secure Joanna's attention the way he had hoped. After the play, Daniel consoles Sam, who is also heartbroken over recent news of Joanna's return to the United States, and convinces him to go catch Joanna at the airport.
While Sam dashes off to collect his things, Daniel bumps into another parent, Carol (played by Claudia Schiffer), and sparks immediately fly. Sam and Daniel leave to find Joanna before she and her family board their flight to America. Once Daniel and Sam arrive, the attendant refuses to let Sam through. However, while the attendant is distracted by another passenger, the jewelry clerk Rufus, Sam is able to sneak through and race past the security checkpoint. With the gate staff distracted by Billy Mack's promised naked performance on TV monitors, Sam is able to reach Joanna and confess his love to her just as she is about to board the plane. He is brought back to his stepfather by security guards, but Joanna runs back to Sam to give him a kiss on the cheek. In triumph he leaps into Daniel's arms. In the finale, Daniel and Sam have returned to the airport with Carol and her son as Sam awaits Joanna's return. When Joanna walks through the doors, Sam says, "Hello," restraining the impulse to embrace her. Daniel curses, "He should have kissed her..." but Carol soothes him, "No, that's cool."
Sarah first appears at the wedding of Juliet and Peter, sitting next to her friend Jamie. We learn she works at Harry's graphic design company and has been in love for years with the creative director Karl, a not-so-secret obsession recognized by Harry, who implores her to say something to him since it's Christmas and Karl is aware of her feelings anyway. Unfortunately for all concerned, Sarah has an institutionalized and mentally ill brother who calls her mobile phone incessantly. Sarah feels responsible for her brother and constantly puts her life on hold to support him. Sarah's chance at making love with Karl, following her company's Christmas party (hosted at an art gallery run by Mark), is abandoned when her brother again calls her at the most inopportune time. Karl suggests that she not answer (asking, "Will it make him better?"), but she does so anyway, effectively ending their relationship. On Christmas Eve, she wishes Karl "Merry Christmas" as he leaves the office, and it is clear he wants to say something to her, but he departs and she breaks down in tears before picking up her phone to ring her brother. She is seen spending Christmas in her brother's institution, wrapping a scarf around him. They are the only couple not seen at the end of the movie at the airport.
After several blunders attempting to woo various English women, including Mia and the caterer at Juliet and Peter's wedding, Colin Frissell informs his friend Tony he plans to go to America and find love there because, in his estimation, the U.S. is filled to the brim with gorgeous women who will fall head over heels for him because of his "cute British accent". ("Stateside, I'm Prince William... without the weird family".) The first place he goes after landing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is an average American bar where he meets three stunningly attractive women who, after falling for his Basildon accent, invite him to stay at their home, specifically in their bed, with them and their housemate Harriet ("the sexy one"). They warn him that, because they are poor, they can't even afford pajamas, so everyone will be naked. In the finale, a much cooler and more suave Colin returns to England with Harriet, the fourth Wisconsin girl, for himself, and her sister Carla who came on the flight to meet Tony. At the airport, Carla embraces and kisses a startled Tony and tells him that "I heard that you were gorgeous".
In a story that was excised completely from the censored version of the DVD release of the film, John and Judy, who up to this point were unknown to each other, work as stand-ins for the sex scenes in a movie. Colin's friend Tony is part of the film crew, and gives them directions as to the activities they should simulate so that lighting checks and such can be completed before the actors are called to the set. Despite their blatantly sexual actions, and frequent nudity, they are very naturally comfortable with each other, discussing politics, traffic, and previous jobs as if they'd known one another for years. John even tells Judy that "it is nice to have someone I can just chat with." The two carefully and cautiously pursue a relationship, and see the play at the local school together with John's brother. In the finale at the airport, Tony, while waiting for Colin, runs into John and Judy, about to depart on a trip together. Judy happily displays an engagement ring on her finger.

Where and when do all stories take place? I think that with I say that in the befor explanation

What's your favourite love story? Why? My favourite story is Colin's story or Juliet and Mark's story. I really like Colin's one because it's very funny and a little bit impossible, in my opinion. I find the Juliet story very emotive and it makes me feel a little sad. I think that Mark is feeling awful and I like how have the director done this story.

What's the best moment in the film for you? Why? The best moment is when Mark goes to Juliet's house and he express his love to her. I really like when Mark is showing the banners at the same time that the Christmas songs are sounding.

Do you like the film? What's good/bad about it? Yes, I love it. In my opinion I find it a very good film. I especialy like the diferent stories that, in the end, are all connected. And in particular, the stories are very interesting.

Do you like the music? Well, maybe the music could be better but there are to songs that are "good". I think that with a better soundtrack, the movie would have caused all the rage.

What's the best song for you? Name and singer
As I said, the music is not very good, but the best song is “All I want for Christmas is you” written originally by Maria Carey.

2. DIALOGUE (Choose one sketch)

Sarah: Júlia
Harry: Jordi

Harry is Sarah’s boss. They work in a designer shop and Harry has just called her one moment to talk about her relationship with Karl, the chief designer.

- Harry?
- Sarah, switch off your phone and tell me exactly how long it is that you've been working here.
- Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, what, two hours?
- And how long have you been in love with Karl, our enigmatic chief designer?
- Um... Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, an hour and 30 minutes.
- Thought as much.
- Do you think everybody knows?
- Yes.
- Do you think Karl knows?
- Yes.
- Oh, that is... that is bad news.
- I just thought that maybe the time had come to do something about it.
- Like what?
- Invite him out for a drink then casually mention you'd like to marry him and have lots of sex and babies.
- You know that?
- Yes. And so does Karl. Think about it, for all our sakes. It's Christmas.
- Certainly. Excellent. Will do. Thanks, boss.

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In this section, you can listen a interview done by Júlia to me, asking some questions about the film.

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