jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

ORAL PRESENTATION: Messi and Maradona


0. Video comparing Messi and Maradona



1. Podcasts




Messi's interview:

Me: Good Morning Leo. In the latest years you've been a delicate player, you've suffered leg injuries. But this year no, by the moment. What's your secret?

Messi: "No, yo creo que en estos momentos eso passa por questiones de suerte. Si tiene que pasarte te pasará. Tuve la mala suerte de que estuve un año seguido con lesiones pero ahora estoy bien y sigo haciendo lo mismo que hacia cuando me lesioné: cuidandome, comiendo bien.."

Me: OK, you're a good boy. Last year, Frank Rijhard said goodbye to Barcelona and Guardiola arribed as a coach. Wht has he changed in the team? Or how has he influenced you and your teammates?

Messi: (more a less) "Cada entrenador tiene su manera y nosotros tenemos que entenderla y intentar adaptarnos al máximo. Cambiaron muchas cosas. Vino un entrenador nuevo y es normal que cambie. Nosotros vimos su capacidad para entrenar. En primera instancia pensamos que un entrenador tan joven es dificil que lleve a un equipo tan grande pero Guardiola entiende mucho de futbol y entonces no hace falta experiéncia."

Me: Yeah, I understand it. Can you see the fact of winning the Spanish League and the Champions?

Messi: (more a less) "Seria espectacular poder ganar los dos torneos pero primero tenemos que ir a por la liga y luego, poquito a poquito, iremos a por la Champions. La Champions es un trofeo muy dificil donde hay equipos muy buenos, por ejemplo el Lyon ahora, y debemos hacer nuestro futbol y hacer lo que podamos.

Me: Thanks Leo

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Maradona's interview:

Me: Good morning Maradona. People say that you and your friend Marcelo wanted to vote for Ronaldo instead of Messi in the Fifa's best player. Is this true?

Maradona: "Como van a decir que Marcelano y yo vamos a escoger a Cristiano Ronaldo como mejor jugador del mundo sabiendo que es Messi. No podemos elegir argentinos."

Me: Yeah, I think the same. Let's talk about the Argentina national team. Now, you've been chose to be the coach. How do you feel?

Maradona: "Que para mi es un gran honor y he cumplido un sueño, el de poder estar hoy como seleccionador de Argentina al lado de Carlos. Quiero decirles que voy a poner todo lo que haga falta para que las cosas vayan bién y tenemos la tranquilidad de saber que nos podemos levantar todas las mañanas estando la selección argentina donde debe estar. Quiero asegurar que trabajaremos duro para que la selección mejore."

Me: I hope you'll be a lovely trainer. Mmm, I'm sorry but is time to talk about a topic that you hate. Yes, I mean your problems with drugs. At this moment you don't have any dependence. What do you think about yourself?

Maradona: "Asumo mis errores y me duele porque he hecho daño a aquellos que amo."

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My opinion:

Well, first of all I wanna say that both, Messi and Maradona, are or were excellent footballers. Is true that Maradona has ahieved lots of awards and he has scored goals that earned a championchip but in my opinion Messi is better. And I say that because I think that nowadays football is more difficult than before. At this moment a humble team, if they work hard, can beat one of "The Bigs" of Europe like Milan, Manchester, Liverpool... Is for this reason that I think that Messi will do more for his team than Maradona will do. Because it's true that Messi is still very young. But I want to say thanks for Maradona for making us feeling pleasure seeing his great goals. And I want to say thanks for Messi for the same and encourage him to improve more.

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Messi’s biography

Lionel Andrés Messi was born in Rosario in Argentina in 24th of June 1987. He’s a argentine footballer that plays as a forward or advanced midfield player in the F.C. Barcelona and in the Argentina National Team. He began to play this sport in his country, but when he was in his twelve, Barcelona F.C. gave him an offer to play in Spain. A few years later, in 2005, he achieved the Spanish nationality. In 2007, Messi was voted a lot in the Fifa’s World Player award and in the Gold Ball prize. He was second and third respectively. In 2008 he was the winner in the Olympic Games with his national team and he was second again in the Fifa’s World Player. A lot of people say that Lionel is the Diego Armando Maradona’s successor. Nowadays he’s considered as the best player in the world, although the important institutions disagree with that.

Maradona's biography

Diego Armando Maradona was born in Lanús, Argentina, in the 30th Octuber 1960. He’s an ex footballer and the Argentina National Team coach. He’s called “The 10”.
He’s considerate as one of the best football player in the history of this sport. Maradona achieved important sports prizes with both, the national team and with some clubs that we played. With the Argentina National Team he won the World Cup. When he was playing in the Napoles, he won the Uefa Cup.
These great successes are sometimes sullied by his drug dependence which affects him in his football career and in his health. Sometimes he had got to be admitted in hospitals for overdose of cocaine.
After his football retirement, he appeared in TV programs. Then was the vice-president of the Football Comisión in the Boca Juniors Team. At this moment, he’s the Argentina National Team coach.

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