jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

ORAL PRESENTATION: Messi and Maradona


0. Video comparing Messi and Maradona



1. Podcasts




Messi's interview:

Me: Good Morning Leo. In the latest years you've been a delicate player, you've suffered leg injuries. But this year no, by the moment. What's your secret?

Messi: "No, yo creo que en estos momentos eso passa por questiones de suerte. Si tiene que pasarte te pasará. Tuve la mala suerte de que estuve un año seguido con lesiones pero ahora estoy bien y sigo haciendo lo mismo que hacia cuando me lesioné: cuidandome, comiendo bien.."

Me: OK, you're a good boy. Last year, Frank Rijhard said goodbye to Barcelona and Guardiola arribed as a coach. Wht has he changed in the team? Or how has he influenced you and your teammates?

Messi: (more a less) "Cada entrenador tiene su manera y nosotros tenemos que entenderla y intentar adaptarnos al máximo. Cambiaron muchas cosas. Vino un entrenador nuevo y es normal que cambie. Nosotros vimos su capacidad para entrenar. En primera instancia pensamos que un entrenador tan joven es dificil que lleve a un equipo tan grande pero Guardiola entiende mucho de futbol y entonces no hace falta experiéncia."

Me: Yeah, I understand it. Can you see the fact of winning the Spanish League and the Champions?

Messi: (more a less) "Seria espectacular poder ganar los dos torneos pero primero tenemos que ir a por la liga y luego, poquito a poquito, iremos a por la Champions. La Champions es un trofeo muy dificil donde hay equipos muy buenos, por ejemplo el Lyon ahora, y debemos hacer nuestro futbol y hacer lo que podamos.

Me: Thanks Leo

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Maradona's interview:

Me: Good morning Maradona. People say that you and your friend Marcelo wanted to vote for Ronaldo instead of Messi in the Fifa's best player. Is this true?

Maradona: "Como van a decir que Marcelano y yo vamos a escoger a Cristiano Ronaldo como mejor jugador del mundo sabiendo que es Messi. No podemos elegir argentinos."

Me: Yeah, I think the same. Let's talk about the Argentina national team. Now, you've been chose to be the coach. How do you feel?

Maradona: "Que para mi es un gran honor y he cumplido un sueño, el de poder estar hoy como seleccionador de Argentina al lado de Carlos. Quiero decirles que voy a poner todo lo que haga falta para que las cosas vayan bién y tenemos la tranquilidad de saber que nos podemos levantar todas las mañanas estando la selección argentina donde debe estar. Quiero asegurar que trabajaremos duro para que la selección mejore."

Me: I hope you'll be a lovely trainer. Mmm, I'm sorry but is time to talk about a topic that you hate. Yes, I mean your problems with drugs. At this moment you don't have any dependence. What do you think about yourself?

Maradona: "Asumo mis errores y me duele porque he hecho daño a aquellos que amo."

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My opinion:

Well, first of all I wanna say that both, Messi and Maradona, are or were excellent footballers. Is true that Maradona has ahieved lots of awards and he has scored goals that earned a championchip but in my opinion Messi is better. And I say that because I think that nowadays football is more difficult than before. At this moment a humble team, if they work hard, can beat one of "The Bigs" of Europe like Milan, Manchester, Liverpool... Is for this reason that I think that Messi will do more for his team than Maradona will do. Because it's true that Messi is still very young. But I want to say thanks for Maradona for making us feeling pleasure seeing his great goals. And I want to say thanks for Messi for the same and encourage him to improve more.

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Messi’s biography

Lionel Andrés Messi was born in Rosario in Argentina in 24th of June 1987. He’s a argentine footballer that plays as a forward or advanced midfield player in the F.C. Barcelona and in the Argentina National Team. He began to play this sport in his country, but when he was in his twelve, Barcelona F.C. gave him an offer to play in Spain. A few years later, in 2005, he achieved the Spanish nationality. In 2007, Messi was voted a lot in the Fifa’s World Player award and in the Gold Ball prize. He was second and third respectively. In 2008 he was the winner in the Olympic Games with his national team and he was second again in the Fifa’s World Player. A lot of people say that Lionel is the Diego Armando Maradona’s successor. Nowadays he’s considered as the best player in the world, although the important institutions disagree with that.

Maradona's biography

Diego Armando Maradona was born in Lanús, Argentina, in the 30th Octuber 1960. He’s an ex footballer and the Argentina National Team coach. He’s called “The 10”.
He’s considerate as one of the best football player in the history of this sport. Maradona achieved important sports prizes with both, the national team and with some clubs that we played. With the Argentina National Team he won the World Cup. When he was playing in the Napoles, he won the Uefa Cup.
These great successes are sometimes sullied by his drug dependence which affects him in his football career and in his health. Sometimes he had got to be admitted in hospitals for overdose of cocaine.
After his football retirement, he appeared in TV programs. Then was the vice-president of the Football Comisión in the Boca Juniors Team. At this moment, he’s the Argentina National Team coach.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009


1. How many people does she give thanks to?
About 10 people and some groups.

2. Can you name 3 of them?
Yes, she give thanks to the academics, to the magnific actors that she've got the privilege to work and Pedro Almodovar

3. Why is she talking about Alcobendas?
Because is the place where she was born.

4. Who's your favourite actor in the Oscar Awards 2009? Why?
I'm not interested so much in the Oscar Awards, but I'm going to say Penelope because it's the only one I know. She's very good in acting and I think that she's worked very hard in her actor career.

5. Have you watched any of the nominated films? Did you like it?
No, I haven't. I wanted to watch Vichy Cristina Barcelona but in the end I couldn't.


1. What do you know about Barack Obama?

Barack Hussein Obama II, born August 4, 1961, is the 44th President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office.
During his tenure as Senator, he served on several committees, including the Foreign Relations, Environment and Public Works, Veterans' Affairs, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
After a particularly close
campaign in the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primary against rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, he won his party's nomination as a candidate for president, becoming the first major African American candidate for president. In the 2008 general election he defeated Republican candidate John McCain and was sworn in as president on January 20, 2009.

2. Who was Abraham Lincoln? What's the Lincoln route?

Abraham Lincoln, born in February 12, 1809 and died in April 15, 1865, was the 16th President of the United States. He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. As the war was drawing to a close, Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated. Before his election in 1860 as the first Republican president, Lincoln had been a lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives, and twice an unsuccessful candidate for election to the U.S. Senate.
The Lincoln Route is a track that goes from Cleveland to Washington.

3. Who was Martin Luther King? Continue his famous quotation: " I have a dream.."

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African-American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States and he is frequently referenced as a human rights icon today.
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

martes, 24 de febrero de 2009



Jordi: What’s that?
Julia: It’s a really cool game called “Hen”. You have to keep yourself crouched down and pull your friend. The objective is the fall of the opponents.
Jordi: Can I have a look?
Julia: Of course. Why don’t you try it?
Jordi: No, thanks. I’m not into playing games like that. They’re too violent.
Julia: Well, you could always play something different. There’re a lot of popular games.
Jordi: I know. But you always beat me. How about going inside?
Julia: But the sun is shinning! Hey, why don’t we just relax and lie down in the grass.
Jordi: Ok. It’s a deal!

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Making an appointment

Jordi: Hello, Jordi’s Hairdresser’s. Jordi speaking. How can I help you?
Julia: Hello, I’d like to get a hair cut and some colour, please.
Jordi: That’s no problem. When would you like to make an appointment?
Julia: Friday, please.
Jordi: Sorry, but there aren’t any appointments on Friday. Is Saturday OK for you? At ten o’clock?
Julia: No sorry. I need an appointment on Friday.
Jordi: Yeah, but it’s impossible on Friday. Well, you could always try the Cutting Room opposite.
Julia: And what’s the number?
Jordi: It’s 626287788. Ask for Matias – he’s very good.
Julia: OK. I’ll phone him now. Thanks for your help.
Jordi: You’re welcome.

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Returning a product

Jordi: Excuse me.
Julia: Hello. How can I help you?
Jordi: I’d like to return this jumper, please.
Julia: OK. What’s the problem with it?
Jordi: Well, I bought it for my sister but she doesn’t like the colour.
Julia: Maybe we’ve got the same jumper in another colour.
Jordi: There aren’t any more. I’ve already checked.
Julia: I see. Have you got a receipt?
Jordi: Yes, here you are.
Julia: Thanks. Well, you can choose another garment, or I can give you a refund.
Jordi: I’ll have a refund, please. My sister can come in and choose something different.

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Describing an object

Julia: Excuse me, I’ve lost my jacket. Has anyone handed one in?
Jordi: A jacket? What sort of jacket? What does it look like?
Julia: It’s a mountain jacket. It’s blue and black.
Jordi: A blue and black mountain jacket. Hold on a minute. I’ll go and have a look.
Julia: OK, thanks.
Jordi: No, sorry. I’m afraid we haven’t got anything like that. Where did you last have it?
Julia: I think I left it in the café.
Jordi: What was in the pockets? Were there any valuables?
Julia: Well, my wallet was in there and there were fifty euros inside.
Jordi: OK. Well, leave your name and number and I’ll contact you if it turns up.

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Invitations and excuses

Julia: Hey look, Jordi. That sexy and sexy dancer, as you say, is dancing again this weekend.
Jordi: Yeah? Where’s she playing?
Julia: At The Modernballet on Saturday.
Jordi: Right. I’m definitely going to that. Would you like to go with me?
Julia: I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. My parents wouldn’t be very happy about it.
Jordi: Go on! They wouldn’t mind.
Julia: No, sorry. I’m supposed to be visiting my grandparents that night anyway.
Jordi: That’s a shame. Oh well, do you fancy going out another night?
Julia: I’ll think about it. Don’t lose the hope, OK?

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martes, 17 de febrero de 2009



Mr. Antoni Gaudí and Cornet was a famous Catalan architect recognized for his maravellous buildings in Catalonia. He belonged to the Modernist style movement and was famous for his unique and highly individualistic designs. When he was a child, he had and bad illness and he had to stay at home most of the time. For that reason, all his buildings are insipirated in the nature. Antoni Gaudí died in 10th of June 1926, when he was knocked down by a train.


1. All the spirals staircases in the Sagrada Familia that allow people to visit the next floors are built following a helicoid model.
2.Gaudi had a very good command of the space geometry. This permitted him to work with the third dimension (3D).
3. Talking about mathematic performances, he worked with hyperboles, parabolas, spirals, ellipses… All this is visible in all his buildings.
4. In the “Colegio Teresiano”, he built parabolic arches and in the Sagrada Familia, he built double turn columns from the intersection of solomonic pillars.



79% of British children have a TV in their bedroom. 63% watch TV in bed. And 58% watch TV as they eat their dinner! When do you watch TV


Her single "Bleeding Love" from the album Spirit has made Leona Lewis one of the UK's new superstars. Her first single, "A Moment like This",broke world records when it was downloadede 50.000 times in 30 minutes! Lewis, age 23, was born in London. Her father is from Guyana and her mother is Welsh. She became famous after winning The X Factor, a music talent show in the UK in 2006.


Batman is back in the sequel to the 2005 film, Batman Begins. Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), who is also Batman, continues to try to stop the criminal organizations in Gotham City. But there's a niew enemy - a psychopatich criminal called the Joker (Heath Ledger). Can Batman save Gotham City?

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

WRITINGS (1rs and 2n Term)


23 Sidleway Road



10th October 2008

The Central Bank

13 Hoath Street



Dear Sir Director,

I'm writing to you because I want to put a demand to your bank for swindle and for being part of the Organized Crime.
I'm going to present myself. I'm Jordi Vilà and I've been following your movements since 2000. I know all your tricks and all your organization. I also know all the robbed money that you've stolen from your bank. For that reason, now I have the control. You are behind the sword and the wall.
I would be pleased to receive from you a two-million-Euro check if you don't want to spend all the rest of your life in prison. Contact to me.

I want to hear news from you mr. Mafia..

Yours faithfully,

Jordi Vilà





The Ramones was formed in the USA, in New York in 1974.The Ramones was formed in the USA, in New York in 1974. The original members were Joey Ramone (voice), Johnny Ramone (guitar), Dee Dee Ramone (bass) and Tommy Ramone(battery). They had lots of fun and we can describe them as the maisters of punk rock. The original members were Joey Ramone (voice), Johnny Ramone (guitar), Dee Dee Ramone (bass) and Tommy Ramone(battery). They had lots of fun and we can describe them as the masters of punk rock.

As I said, The were the firsts of playing the punk rock style and their songs triumphed because their lyrics were simple, enigmatic and sometimes silly. Their style was characterized for long guitar solos and direct and progressive songs. Moreover, all his fans had always support them. “This is one of the ways of our success” said Joey once in the New York Music Festival.

During his career, they had published fourteen CDs and they had done twenty one albums.
However, they had only won one gold CD. In 1996 the band disapeared and his last show was in Arentina in the Lollapalooza festival.


On Friday evening, I never stay in. I usually play football matches and sometimes win.

On Saturday, I usually do my homework. Then, in the evening, I always go out with my friends. We sometimes go to the bowling in " Espai Gironés" or to the cinema.

On Sunday morning, I always get up early. In the afternoon, I usually go to the Camp Nou to watch a football match. I sometimes go ou on Sunday evening with my friends.



Look at the title for a discussion essay. Then prepare answers for questions 1-7.

Is the Internet important, in your opinion? Yes, it is. Internet has become one of the most important things in our world. I can imagine a world without internet. This would be one step behind for the humanity.

When did It become important? In my opinion, Internet wasn’t very important at first because it wasn’t popular and there was only Internet in some specific regions. I think that it became popular in the early 80s.

What did people do before this was invented? I don’t thing that Internet is important because it invented new things. Internet has only done things easier. People used to communicate between them by letters. Now, people write e-mails. Kids used to play outside, now they play computer games.

What can people do with it now? Now, the entire world is connected. People can have a conversation with somebody that is in the other side of the world. Internet has also allowed on-spot news. The notices travel fast.
People can also have fun with Internet. Surfing it, or playing online games has became very popular. Another scope is the culture. Internet is full of cultural pages which you can learn a lot.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of books? In my opinion, books have suffered the majesty of Internet. You have to buy a book to have it; in the Internet you have lots of books. A book is something sometimes bored. A book is a thing old-fashioned. But one point in favor is the pleasure you get when you are sitting in the terrace in a sun lounger taking the sun with a book in your hands.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? There are lots of advantages. As I said before, Internet makes things easier. You can speak with somebody in another country. You can learn lots of things. You can have fun. But it isn’t all good. Sometimes Internet can be dangerous. There are a lot of stupid men called jakers that can make you lose a lot of information. Or there are also murders that use the Internet to contact with their victims.

On balance, which is the better invention? Why? In my opinion, I can’t say the books are better or it’s better the internet. I think that both have been amazing and revulsive inventions but each in its moment. Books changed the world when they were invented. And Internet has just done the same. So this is my point.

WRITING: Books and Internet

Internet has become one of the most important things in our world. Can you imagine a world without Internet? This would be one step behind for the humanity. Everybody is used to Internet. It wasn’t very important at first because it wasn’t popular and there was only Internet in some specific regions and in bad conditions. It became popular in the early 80s. Internet isn’t important because it invented new things. It has only done things easier. I mean, people used to communicate between them by letters. Now, people write e-mails. Kids used to play outside, now they play computer games.
Books have suffered the majesty of Internet. Normaly, a book is one story, Internet have millions of books. It is something sometimes bored. A book is a thing old-fashioned. But one point in favor is the pleasure you get when you are sitting in the terrace in a sun lounger taking the sun with a book in your hands.
Internet have lots of advantages. As I said before, Internet makes things easier. You can speak with somebody in another country. You can learn lots of things. You can have fun. But it isn’t all good. Sometimes Internet can be dangerous. There are a lot of stupid men called jakers that can make you lose a lot of information. Or there are also murders that use the Internet to contact with their victims.

All in all, in my opinion, I can’t say the books are better or it’s better the internet. I think that both have been amazing and revulsive inventions but each in its moment. Books changed the world when they were invented. And Internet has just done the same. Now it’s millions of times better the Internet but books have marked an era.


1. If they let me more freedom, I would explain them more things about me and the things I do.
2. I would be more responsible at nights, if they let me stay more time out.
3. I would get better marks if they didn’t put pressure on me.
4. If they weren’t such busy parents we would have more time to stay together.
5. If my parents liked football we would have something to share opinions and talk about it.
6. I would be more orderly and I would tidy my bedroom in-depth if they didn’t tell me off too often.
7. If my parents accustomed me to eat vegetables when I was young, I would eat it now and me wouldn’t have arguments.
8. I would do my homework in a high quality, if my parents changed my bedroom.
9.If I was more responsible my parents would trust more in me
10. I would give way a little in the troubled topics if they also give way a bit.


This was the most dramatic scene that I've never seen. It was in Barcelona. A hundred people were trapped sixteen hours when there was a problem in the underground. The subway had an accident against the tube that was coming in the other side.

The accident began at two o'clock in the afternoon. The subway coming from Passeig de Gracia had the fault. The driver apeased and the underground invaded the other lane.

Luckily, the passengers called the rescue services and nobody was injured. After six hours, all of the people were finally on the ground again. Later a victim said, "I was really scared and it has been the strongest experience of my life".


This last summer was the best of all. I did two trips. The first one was in South Africa. We flied thirteen hours to Johansburg, the capital. There we visited the enire city and for me, the best thing was the rest of the apartheid. In johansburg you can see a lot of poberty with little and destroyed houses with no water or light, and very near, you can see a neighborhood with skyscrapers and rich people. We also visited the Nelson Mandela Square which is a zone full of museums and shops relationated with Nelson. After that we went to Kruger Park Safari. It was fantastic. We saw lots of animals like lions, monkeys, elephants, eagles, and more. We also saw two antelopes fighting for a female and one lion trying to hunt a group of buffalos. It was magnific. We spent the lasts days of the family holiday in Cape Town where we could visit the "Cap de Bona ESperença". We also saw sea animals in Cape Town like whales, seals and penguins.

In July I went to Ireland with Cesc and Charles to lear English. We did a lot of friends and we had fun. We stayed there for three short weeks and it was an unforgettable experiance.


I was born in Banyoles in 1993. I don't have much information of my first five years. I only have the image of a place that my mum used to go when I was young. It was a relaxed green space near the lake. One day, the mayor decided to prohibit going to this place. I don't go there since then.

Apart from that, my earliest memory was when I began to practice football. First of all I played with the school team but, a few years ago, I signed up for Banyoles CD. I remember that I was the worst in the team. I also recall my first teacher. It was Carme Busquets and I loved her class.

I've been at Escola Casa Nostra since always. This year is probably my last year in this school. I think I'm more enthusiastic now, and I'm a bit taller. My hair has changed too. I used to have short hair. When i finish secondary school, I'll definetly go to Batxillerat. Then, I may go to the university. I think that university parties could be very fun! Before I'm old I really want to go to Hawaii.



What’s the situation?
Your parents have said you that you can’t see your girlfriend again because she’s a bad influence on you.

Are you angry?
Yes, I’m really annoyed and furious. I don’t understand their mind. I’m such a responsible person. I’m mature enough to decide what is good for me.

What’s your ideal solution?
My solution is that my parents don’t interfere. I think that they have their own problems.

What would be the consequences of that?
Just more freedom for me. No consequences.


I’ve got a problem. No, sorry, my parents have a big problem. They say that I can’t see my girlfriend again because it’s a bad influence on me. Can you believe it? I’m really annoyed and furious. I can’t understand their mind. I’m such a responsible person and I’m mature enough to decide what’s advisable for me. I think that my parents are exaggerating a lot. Well, the fact is that my girlfriend is not a model to follow, but I know she loves me and she will never hurt me.
I think that my parents mustn’t interfere in our relation. They have their own problems, so they have enough things to worry about. This is my solution: they must let me in peace! I think that this is the best solution and it won’t have bad consequences. Only more freedom for me which is a good thing.